
Dear Friends and Neighbors of Old Saratoga Reformed Church,

The church is an active part of the community. We open our doors to community service groups such as Head Start, Alcoholic’s Anonymous, and the Girl Scouts. Our Deacon’s Fund offerings regularly go to local groups such as Saratoga Bridges, Upstate Jail Ministries, and Habitat for Humanity. For the last several years a group from our church has participated in the CROP Walk, contributing to end world hunger. We also contribute to world-wide efforts such as Wycliffe Bible Translators. This year our Sunday School children contributed to Drilling for Hope, whose most recent efforts drilled new wells in Rwanda and Tanzania.

Our biggest challenge continues to be meeting our day-to-day operating expenses. Through your generosity and that of our congregation, we have been blessed in the last few years to have been able to meet those expenses. But we still struggle with cash flow problems and routinely have to withdraw money from investments to continue our work.

We encourage you to participate and contribute in any way that you can. Please consider donating a gift to allow us to continue our work in the service of the Lord. A gift of any size would help us.

OSRC has a new online donation platform.  The link below can be used to make donations using credit/debt cards or by using a ACH bank transfer..
Click here to donate.

Sincerely yours in Christ

The Consistory of Old Saratoga Reformed Church