The last morning. I haven’t been sleeping well, for some reason the bed for me is extremely uncomfortable. I woke up at 4 a.m. (central time) and used the time to finish packing to go. About 5 I was inadvertently facetimed by Robin …. and when she realized I hadn’t called her she said she was going back to sleep. Within about 5 minutes she facetimed me again to tell me her cousin Eddie had died. He had been in the hospital for over a week following a heart attack and a subsequent bypass operation. Unfortunately he caught pneumonia and went downhill and died this morning at 4:37. He left two sisters, a daughter, and of course some cousins.
At our morning plenary we voted on Vice President. The nominees included two from New York and I voted for Richard Dykstra, who is the President of the Synod of Albany and is the Pastor at the Reformed Church in Roxbury, NY. Richard is second from the right in the picture. Daniel Gillett was elected. Dan is lead pastor of First Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan. He has served as president of Holland Classis, a General Synod Council member, and adjunct professor at Western Theological Seminary. Daniel is far left in the picture.